Hey Allll
I am back, this time as the title tells its about Illuminati. Now this topic has gained a lot of popularity. People have started to learn and research about it everywhere but still majority have no idea what it is. So just as a start I will give some introduction to what is this phenomena then continue with some discoveries that I personally made. I am underlining some words that will come in later for help.
Illuminati is basically a secret society, a secret "brotherhood" run by the family known as either "Elite" or "Royal" we can say who are basically devil worshipers. These people worship Lucifer/Satan/Dajaal by whichever name you can give to the evil. They never use script as a way to communicate, they basically communicate through signs and numbers. Like devil's number "666" then their basic logos such as a "checkered" floor , the "all see-ing eye" as Dajaal will have only one working eye , the "Pyramid" , The "Star" and many more. Their basic aim is to control the world and destroy the current presiding order of this world namely the "old world order" and bring in the "new world order" to the world which will bring the kingdom of Lucifer a.k.a Satan upon his arrival in the "Promised Land" which is the area of Israel which is the "Star". Some of the logos are in the pictures as below

Illuminati is everywhere, you just have to open your eyes and view it. Al Wafi Mall Dubai, Hard Rock Cafe America, Starbucks coffee = Star (Israel's flag) + Bucks (Dollars). If you want more information then I would suggest the base of it to be "The Arrivals" documentary. It will clear up your mind and open you up to the trickery of these people and how they are controlling the world and who are they. They have people all around and they leave signs which an unsuspecting person will never think of BUT it gets imprinted in his/her mind. Like the back of a one dollar bill
Now lets come to the topic, Me, Bilal & Hasan J made some findings regarding this and I want to share them with you. Now if somebody else has already made the following discoveries then we don't know. The discoveries we are noting are purely what we have found out ourselves.
1. Steve Vai Logo (Bilal)
Steve Vai is an american guitarist who has released eight Solo albums and has won three Grammy awards but what people don't seem to notice is his logo. His logo consists of his last name "VAI" , While he could've written them anyway possible but he does this how? By symbolizing the V & A as Triangles and giving "I" the symbol of an "Eye" enclosing the eye on top of the middle triangle. If you have seen the pictures above and read the intro then its very clear now.
2. Deathly Hallows Logo (Hasan)
Okay till now if there are any potter heads reading my blog they will be pissed off but just look at this logo and lets analyze it. Okay
The Elder Wand --> The Long Stick --> Makes Perfect Sense
The Philospher's Stone --> A Circle --> Okay I Agree although in the movie the stone is diamond shaped
The Cloak Of Invisibility --> A Triangle?? HOW?
It wasn't triangle in shape, It didn't have triangles printed on it. THEN WHY??
Nd what is the use of the "Deathly Hallows" ?? --> It makes one the master of death
3. Batman Animated Series Volume 1 - Episode 19 (Prophecy Of Doom) (ME)
I love this series but in this episode I was caught back footed as well. I didn't knew how to react because they showed this person "Nostromus" as a bad person and liar but Illuminati's main job is just to make you aware of their presence and bring fear in your hearts. Look at the below picture at the triangle he makes with his hand while he says the dialogue "You are merely an eye trying to view itself". A triangle and an eye?? Remind you of something??
Then look at his costume that shows an
eye on his chest logo. Nothing more clear than that
Then I will some of the dialogues in this episode regarding Illuminati
Scene: (Girl telling Bruce Wayne about her father)
Girl: Daddy is even part of a
secret "brotherhood"
Wayne: "
Secret Brotherhood?"
Girl: Yes, he won't even tell his family what it is about
Then Nostromus Speaking in various parts of the episode
N: That what you seek and cannot find is the seeker
N: You are merely the
"eye" trying to view itself
N: She will believe, they will all believe after
the great fall
N: This is the end of the
old order, the
great fall has begun
P.S: The great fall was referred in this episode to an economic recession.
4. Iron Maiden (Me & Bilal)
Iron Maiden are metal legends BUT they are much more than that
Iron Maiden Logo and please clearly note the
Iron Maiden album art and look at the "
Checkered Floor" with the grim reaper in the center.
Another Iron Maiden Album Art and look at the Egyptian style, "The Pyramid" and the Illuminated top of the Pyramid.
Nd Their Songs As Well Such As
a) Power
Eye Of The Beholder
5. Ra. One (Me)
Okay so what was gaming nickname of Shahrukh's son in this movie ?? Yes its the name in the picture above "LUCIFER" and Who is Lucifer? Satan
Time to time a skull and bones logo was also shown in this movie throughout.
In this movie also Ra.One (Raawan) of Hindu Mythology was seen to go after Lucifer (Dajaal/Satan) with Satan winning in the end.
Akon also a very popular Illuminati member sung a song for a Bollywood movie and he could've sung for any movie but he did for THIS one
6. AC/DC Song - Highway To Hell (Me)
AC/DC one of the most famous metal bands ever and their song "Highway to hell" has the following lyrics in it.
Payin' my dues
Playin' in a rockin' band
Hey mumma
Look at me
I'm on the way to the
promised land
I have made more discoveries as well but those some other time. Now since there is "Illuminati" then there are Anti-Illuminati factors or better known as K-Illuminati. Tupac was one of the very famous anti-Illuminati persons and he wall killed by Illuminati.
Then we all know about Michael Jackson. He was an Illuminati member as well from the video of "Thriller" which showed the initiation of him inside the Illuminati but Michael Jackson broke out of the group. This documentary is available on youtube and will be helpful "
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qxORq6eFA0 "
So I made two anti Satan discoveries as well
1. Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone
Slipknot was a metal band and they were referred to Satanic promotion time and time again. Especially after their song "The heretic anthem" in which the lyrics were "If you're 5 5 5 then I am 6 6 6"
But in their new album "All hope is gone" they had a song and interestingly since this album Slipknot has started loosing its fan hood.
The lyrics in this song are very anti-Satan and very anti-establishment
The hell is humongous, the devil's among us
and we will burn because we won't unite!
Fifty seconds, a hundred murders.
The bill of rights is a bill of sale.
What will you do when the war is over?
What will you do when your system fails!?
We've seen the fall of the elite,
Bury your life, take your disease
We'll end the world,
When all hope is gone!
2. Slash 2012 Album Apocalyptic Love - Not For Me
The legendary guitarist Slash released his new album with help in vocals from Alterbridge's lead singer "Miles Kennedy" and we all know how Guns N Roses used to roll in drugs and women BUT
His song "Not For Me" has lyrics which maybe as a repent to what he did
But I see them as anti Satan lyrics
The lyrics are
"The devil smiles and laughs at me,
Says you'll be back, just wait and see,
You know I've heard this all before,
And I say,
You can keep your high life in the hills,
Your cocaine lies and whiskey thrills,
I don't need you anymore,
This life is not for me, no,
This is not for me, no,"
Nd more!!!
That's it for this time
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Till Next Time
X Y'all